
Labor 2020: Tight Races in Key Union Strongholds of Iowa, Montana

With a little more than three weeks until Election Day, polls show tight races in the union strongholds of Iowa and Montana. 

"The failure of President (Donald) Trump and Senator (Joni) Ernst to protect Iowa workers and our most vulnerable citizens in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic has been devastating," said Iowa Federation of Labor President Charlie Wishman. "The unions of the Iowa AFL-CIO are fighting for the lives and livelihoods of all workers and our communities as we mobilize to elect Joe Biden as president and Theresa Greenfield as Iowa's next U.S. senator."

"Montana is on the brink," said Montana AFL-CIO Executive Secretary Al Ekblad. "50,000 working families will either win for a better tomorrow, or we'll be fighting for our livelihoods and our labor movement. The future of our state is on the line in our governor's race, and the future of our nation is on the line in our senate race. It's right there on the ballot. It doesn't get any more critical than this." 

For more information on Labor 2020, click here