Press Release

America’s Unions Mourn the Passing of TTD President Larry Willis

Statement from AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka on the passing of Transportation Trades Department (TTD) President Larry Willis:

The collective hearts of America’s labor movement, particularly transportation unions, are broken by the tragic death of our brother, TTD President Larry Willis. Larry brought a love of workers and a deep understanding of transportation issues to his leadership of TTD. He paid incredible attention to detail, always looking for opportunities to win more power and prosperity for the working people who move America. As a lawyer, congressional staff member, policy expert and worker advocate, Larry was respected across the aisle and throughout our movement. Larry’s passing is a reminder that we cannot take a single day for granted, and the AFL-CIO will honor his memory by fighting for the issues he championed and the people he loved. Our thoughts and prayers are with Larry’s wife and daughter, along with the entire TTD family, during this difficult time.

Contact: Carolyn Bobb, 202-637-5018