Welcome to our regular feature, a look at what the various AFL-CIO unions and other working family organizations are doing across the country and beyond. The labor movement is big and active—here's a look at the broad range of activities we're engaged in this week.
Actors' Equity:
You're invited to attend “Claiming Our Power: AAPI Agency, Representation and Justice in the Workplace,” a webinar addressing the urgent issues facing people of the AAPI diaspora in the workplace and in society. This event is open to all.
— Actors' Equity (@ActorsEquity) May 19, 2021
RSVP today - https://t.co/7WyqevwlAa pic.twitter.com/XYVGreDvQa
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. The OPM is urging federal agencies to focus on employees’ mental health and work-life balance. Focusing on mental health is even greater now, after workers have lived for more than a year of a deadly pandemic. https://t.co/PI5twGMmky
— AFGE (@AFGENational) May 19, 2021
The AFSCME family is heartened by the bipartisanship in the House and the Senate to pass the #COVID19 Hate Crimes Act to help address rising hate and violence aimed at the AAPI community. #StopAsianHate https://t.co/VbANGHuc5H
— AFSCME (@AFSCME) May 18, 2021
Alliance for Retired Americans:
Forty-three state legislatures have introduced over 250 bills to restrict voting access.
— Alliance for Retired Americans (@ActiveRetirees) May 19, 2021
It's time we take action and ensure all eligible Americans can safely and easily vote by passing S1, the #ForthePeople Act! https://t.co/0o9po5yNKN
Amalgamated Transit Union:
#CovidVaccine #1u #Transit pic.twitter.com/JZulHrQNOy
— ATU, Transit Union (@ATUComm) May 19, 2021
American Federation of Musicians:
#Musicians of the Ft Wayne Philharmonic need your help. Sign the letter before May 20 https://t.co/V0XxbIE2kS
— AFM (@The_AFM) May 16, 2021
Stand with the musicians and call on the management to promptly negotiate a fair contract that doesn’t destroy one of Ft. Wayne’s oldest cultural treasures. #
American Federation of Teachers:
Return, Recover and Reimagine: Toward a Renaissance in America’s Public Schools #FreedomToThrive https://t.co/e3LgmRSLzD
— AFT (@AFTunion) May 13, 2021
American Postal Workers Union:
Congratulations to Amber McReynolds & Ron Stroman, who have been confirmed as USPS Governors by the Senate.
— APWU National (@APWUnational) May 13, 2021
Next we need a vote scheduled for Anton Hajjar. Send a message to your senators here. #SaveThePostOffice https://t.co/c45Ukwe1ig
Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance:
APALA’s Labor Toolkit on Anti-Asian Racism is available for download!
— Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance, AFL-CIO (@APALAnational) May 7, 2021
You’ll find concrete actions for leaders and staff of international and local unions as well as state feds and CLCs, and individual rank and file workers.
Download: https://t.co/7PEEIAG98s#APAHM #1u pic.twitter.com/NqBjLUP7cM
Association of Flight Attendants-CWA:
#Illinois Flight Attendants, family, & friends: We need you to call your State Reps and tell them to support Senate Bill 645 so that Flight Attendants & other aviation workers can be protected by the Illinois Sick Leave Act. Make your call: https://t.co/GaCwWOviLG
— AFA-CWA (@afa_cwa) May 19, 2021
Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers:
“I love my job. There is always something that makes my work interesting and challenging.” - BCTGM Local 125 Fin. Secy Rudy Gomez #unionleader #shopsteward #1u https://t.co/u10RANAOIt
— BCTGM International (@BCTGM) May 13, 2021
RIP🙏 to a true Boilermaker trailblazer who created pathways to advance Black #Boilermakers into leadership roles. Read more: https://t.co/KwTsThvn80#BoilermakersUnion pic.twitter.com/FPwI5v80jY
— Boilermakers Union (@boilermakernews) May 19, 2021
California School Employees Association:
We work collaboratively with our certificated colleagues every day to make sure our students receive the best education possible. We value your camaraderie, your friendship and your dedication. Happy #TeacherAppreciationDay! @WeAreCTA @CFTunion pic.twitter.com/7WOJH5bEOV
— CSEA (@CSEA_Now) May 4, 2021
Coalition of Black Trade Unionists:
— CBTU (@CBTU72) May 3, 2021
Coalition of Labor Union Women:
A Working Women’s History of Mother’s Day https://t.co/1qaRGuXU5o pic.twitter.com/hWP6OyKZro
— CLUW National (@CLUWNational) May 9, 2021
Communications Workers of America:
Urgent Illinois Action: Call your state representative and tell them to support Senate Bill 645 so airline workers can be protected by the Illinois Sick Leave Act. Make your call now! https://t.co/FWN08x7fZ5
— CWA (@CWAUnion) May 19, 2021
Department for Professional Employees:
As many professionals know, cool perks don't pay to fix your car or pay the rent. To create sustainable careers, professionals like those at the Secretly Group are joining together in union. #1u @secretlyunion https://t.co/WLr9UMkB6e
— Department for Professional Employees (@DPEaflcio) May 19, 2021
Electrical Workers:
"Everyone knew it was coming." The Texas power crisis of 2021, and what comes next. https://t.co/ouBllHbUYu
— IBEW (@IBEW) May 19, 2021
Fire Fighters:
Cancer-cautious #fire stations are the new normal in Goodyear https://t.co/EdDgrh3jai
— IAFF (@IAFFNewsDesk) May 19, 2021
Heat and Frost Insulators:
Mechanical insulation installed by members of the HFIAW provides long-term energy efficiency, emission reduction, cost savings and safety benefits. The Insulators Union is known as the Energy Conservation Specialists and has been Green since 1903. https://t.co/VHwrdWFP3d
— Insulators Union 🦎 (@InsulatorsUnion) May 19, 2021
International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers:
Even with a boss fight that would make Jeff Bezos proud, @ALDFUnited won their union. https://t.co/hCyrwZu1qu
— IFPTE (@IFPTE) May 19, 2021
Construction on the nation’s first commercial-scale offshore wind farm is expected to begin this summer, after the Biden administration gave final approval Tuesday to a project it hopes will herald a new era of wind energy across the United States.https://t.co/P0bPIB1IxW
— Ironworkers. (@TheIronworkers) May 17, 2021
Jobs With Justice:
TODAY is the DAY 🗣️🗣️🗣️
— Jobs With Justice (@jwjnational) May 19, 2021
Fast food workers NATIONWIDE are on STRIKE 📢
Why? McDonald’s made nearly $5 billion in profit last year during the pandemic -- they don't need to wait for Congress to make them pay $15/hr. They can do it NOW. Tell them: https://t.co/StTcX3RwcT pic.twitter.com/W2G9QPWMxU
Labor Council for Latin American Advancement:
REMINDER: filing your taxes will NOT impact your immigration status! The #stimulus payment is an advanced tax credit (not considered in a public charge test) & the #EIP is a tax refund + is NOT counted towards eligibility for federal programs like #Medicaid & #SNAP.
— LCLAA (@LCLAA) May 17, 2021
Today, #LIUNA GP Terry O'Sullivan joined @SecMartyWalsh, @PeteButtigieg, @StenyHoyer, @EleanorNorton, and @MurielBowser on a tour of the #FrederickDouglassMemorialBridge restoration project today in Washington DC. #BuildBackBetter #AmericanJobsPlan pic.twitter.com/SiKjcA3LUv
— LIUNA (@LIUNA) May 19, 2021
This is what we do at the IAM, we launch rockets like the #AtlasV @ulalaunch into space. Congratulations to all the IAM members out there making history! #MadeByMachinistshttps://t.co/2oLAHmWcBV
— Machinists Union ✈️🚊🚀 (@MachinistsUnion) May 19, 2021
Metal Trades Department:
Do you know what the #PROact is? Well you should, the bill seeks to grant workers the right to organize, as well as to help protect them from employer interference with their right to organize and speak out against unjust labor practiceshttps://t.co/fs3y2icY2l.
— Metal Trades Dept. (@metaltradesafl) May 19, 2021
Mine Workers:
“NO CONTRACT NO COAL” #UnitedWeStand#MinersSavedWarriorMet#Solidarity#1u pic.twitter.com/QViYTRCQ9t
— United Mine Workers (@MineWorkers) May 19, 2021
Musical Artists:
The Met AGMA Negotiating committee is pleased to announce a tentative agreement with the Metropolitan Opera. We will begin our ratification process on May 24 and have more details to share with you. pic.twitter.com/M20AnPgkKY
— AGMA (@AGMusicalArtist) May 12, 2021
National Air Traffic Controllers Association:
In part three of their four-part conversation, NATCA's Jamie Sanders (Denver/Centennial ATCT, APA) and Major Katie Cook, a third-generation military aviator and the first female Navy Blue Angels pilot, focused on pilot-controller communications.
— NATCA (@NATCA) May 19, 2021
https://t.co/6q8dkwkURq pic.twitter.com/at2Y7kkvSZ
National Association of Letter Carriers:
Do you have an interesting hobby, talent or side gig? Tell us about it, and The Postal Record could write about you. Email your full name, branch and about your hobby to [email protected]. Here's one such story about letter carrier Nannette Cassidy: https://t.co/VW4T2BKH8A pic.twitter.com/Z1W8Jy7JuH
— Letter Carriers (@NALC_National) May 18, 2021
National Day Laborer Organizing Network:
#Release. NDLON and California day labor worker centers respond to @SenAlexPadilla about US Senate hearing on essential workers
— NDLON (@NDLON) May 13, 2021
Read the letter here: https://t.co/5gGzhAHQ37 #DALE #WorkerMigrantJustice #AllLaborIsEssential #EssentialWorkers #EssentialAndExcluded #YNosotrosQue
National Federation of Federal Employees:
“While the leave flexibility granted by Secretary Vilsack may seem like a small gesture, it shows tremendous attention to detail and consideration of the value and challenges facing the workforce at #USDA,” stated NFFE National President Randy Erwin. https://t.co/J4H5f23bZM
— NFFE (@NFFE_Union) May 13, 2021
National Nurses United:
If nurses aren't safe, patients aren't safe.
— NationalNursesUnited (@NationalNurses) May 18, 2021
The mighty RNs of @CookCtyHealth in Chicago, Illinois are speaking out against the County's egregious practice of forcing nurses & social workers to show up in person after exposure to #Covid19.#ProtectNurseshttps://t.co/kweyh929px
National Taxi Workers Alliance:
History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce.https://t.co/ihMAPxP5Vx
— NY Taxi Workers (@NYTWA) May 19, 2021
NFL Players Association:
Where there is no accountability or transparency, there can never be real justice. Do your part and email your Senator in support of the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act by texting ‘ACJR’ to 52886. #JusticeInPolicing #JusticeInPolicingAct pic.twitter.com/O5feNzROlP
— NFLPA (@NFLPA) May 19, 2021
North America's Building Trades Unions:
NEW: NABTU, @LeanInOrg and @AFLCIO announce ‘Lean in Circles for Tradeswomen’ program to address the issues tradeswomen face head-on.
— The Building Trades (@NABTU) May 11, 2021
Learn more about this innovative program built by tradeswomen, for tradeswomen 💪
🔗: https://t.co/2qegRCGXAf pic.twitter.com/jQc4lCwf0a
Office and Professional Employees:
"...while #PROAct opponents claim that freelance and contract work allow women the flexibility to care for their families, unionized workers are more likely to have access to paid benefits like sick days, vacations, and family and medical leave." 👏👏👏https://t.co/PdON7WNFgu
— OPEIU ║ #PassThePROAct ✊ (@OPEIU) May 18, 2021
Painters and Allied Trades:
Unions and collective bargaining are the greatest tool we have to ensure racial and gender pay equity.
— IUPAT | Pass the PRO Act! (@GoIUPAT) May 19, 2021
📈 Women unionists make 23% more
📈 Black unionists make 20% more
📈 Latino unionists make 20% more pic.twitter.com/t6675Bcnw2
Plasterers and Cement Masons:
“Why are employers allowed to intervene in union elections at all? ... Joining a union is a federal right, one that employers have no business infringing upon.” Pass the #ProAct #1u https://t.co/LW3mQjqfI4
— OPCMIA International (@opcmiaintl) May 17, 2021
Professional Aviation Safety Specialists:
PASS member Michael Carandang works for the Federal Aviation Administration on Guam! @FAA_Steve @SecretaryPete @governorcalvo #AAPIHM #aviationsafety #publicservice #unionsolidarity https://t.co/rPIKBrrJwa
— PASS (@PASSNational) May 14, 2021
Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union:
None of us are free while members of our union are unfree. That’s why we always fight to ensure #BlackLivesMatter, in and out of the workplace. #1u pic.twitter.com/YM2ryEoI7c
— RWDSU (@RWDSU) May 19, 2021
Roofers and Waterproofers:
Using the wrong hand tool, or the right tool the wrong way, can injure your hand, wrist, or arm. Learn how to protect yourself at: https://t.co/56UXItsoqI #roofersafety365 pic.twitter.com/4475AcAis8
— Roofers Union (@roofersunion) May 5, 2021
“The epidemic of invisibility continues to persist and with serious consequences,” according to a new @USCAnnenberg report. Over 13 years and 1,300 films, only 3% have Asian and Pacific Islander leads. It's beyond time for a change. #AAPIHM https://t.co/PzLIqTtdt2
— SAG-AFTRA (@sagaftra) May 19, 2021
School Administrators:
A Statement on Reopening Schools. "Yes, let’s reopen our schools. But let’s also rethink how our schools operate." https://t.co/Jz4AGoxGIm
— The School Leader (@AFSAUnion) May 13, 2021
In Defense of the Jones Act #JonesAct #1u #Maritime https://t.co/LoMb5YgqQ5 via @raylehmann
— Seafarers Union (@SeafarersUnion) May 19, 2021
Solidarity Center:
Within 6 months of leadership trainings among #domesticworkers in Latin America, union membership surged, w/ 9,000 new members joining 26 organizations! Hear more from @Adriana_PazRami @IDWFED on Solidarity Center Podcast! @fenatrad @SINACTRAHO @FETRADOMOV https://t.co/PHfy2D5V2i pic.twitter.com/1vZb8Xau3k
— Solidarity Center (@SolidarityCntr) May 19, 2021
The NewsGuild-CWA:
Great work! https://t.co/WpSjwE6ROr
— NewsGuild-CWA (@newsguild) May 19, 2021
Theatrical Stage Employees:
Local 114 gathered an energetic crew to fix over 30 lighting fixtures to assist @ridingtothetop, a therapeutic riding center dedicated to enhancing the health and well-being of children and adults with disabilities. pic.twitter.com/BnLVx8nauj
— IATSE // #PROAct (@IATSE) May 19, 2021
Transport Workers Union:
TWU members from Corpus Christi, Texas organizing new workers and advancing the fight for the #PROAct pic.twitter.com/WAmWMF8dgV
— TWU (@transportworker) May 19, 2021
Transportation Trades Department:
TTD President Greg Regan before @EnergyCommerce: Innovation and change have always been hallmarks of the #transportation industry. @Teamsters @transportworker @ATUComm https://t.co/dHv9C4wGo0 pic.twitter.com/cUspV5Ysow
— Transp. Trades Dept. (@TTDAFLCIO) May 18, 2021
UAW President Rory L. Gamble greeted @POTUS at the legendary Ford Rouge plant to help launch the Ford F-150 Lightning. Gamble stressed that Ford Motor Company is doing this the right way with good-paying union jobs. https://t.co/feDceuH1Vk
— UAW (@UAW) May 18, 2021
Union Label and Service Trades Department:
Today's News & Commentary --- May 18, 2021 | OnLabor https://t.co/ic97Gf7p92
— Union Label Dept. (@ULSTD_AFLCIO) May 18, 2021
Union Veterans Council:
The #PROAct is the battle plan veterans need to secure fulfilling careers. Pass it on.
— Union Veterans Council (@unionveterans) May 19, 2021
Ericka lobbies for TPS alongside #WeAreHome sisters and brothers.
— UNITE HERE #PROAct (@unitehere) May 18, 2021
She tells @SenJackyRosen how immigrant workers are essential.
🗣️We no longer want to live w/o knowing what may happen to our lives. It is time to value our work & sacrifices by providing a path to citizenship. pic.twitter.com/4Ar4N8syQE
United Steelworkers:
. @SenatorBurr-The working class deserves the freedom to organize without employer interference. Support the #PROAct! #1u pic.twitter.com/6J8pknHK0f
— United Steelworkers (@steelworkers) May 19, 2021
United Students Against Sweatshops:
Garment workers are severely exploited in this violent capitalist system, and one change that would improve sweatshop conditions in CA would be abolishing the piece rate system, which is why we support the #GarmentWorkerProtectionAct. @Portantino @SenToniAtkins - pass #SB62 now! https://t.co/i9ZvjNwANy
— USAS (@USAS) May 11, 2021
Utility Workers:
The results are in! Union apprenticeships are vital to a strong career path and fair wages. ✊
— UWUA National (@The_UWUA) May 19, 2021
Check out @UWUA_P4A’s for more info on our apprenticeship programs for military veterans!
[Image credit 👉 @jwjnational @centralfljwj] pic.twitter.com/hhbjCedxK9
Working America:
The American Families Plan would infuse $1.8 trillion into critical programs like child care, paid leave, & universal Pre-K.
— Working America | Pass the #PROAct (@WorkingAmerica) May 7, 2021
While decaying bridges are a popular symbol of infrastructure reform, services for kids/families are equally important to our economic present & future! https://t.co/rjZSU9BvcB
Writers Guild of America, East:
Giving domestic workers “the respect, recognition, and compensation they are due is not only essential and necessary but it is just the beginning of what we must do to address the long history of racial exclusion that this workforce has faced." #1u https://t.co/GHGlt8yTwx
— Writers Guild of America, East / #PROAct (@WGAEast) May 19, 2021