For Pride Month, the AFL-CIO is spotlighting various LGBTQ+ Americans who have worked and continue to work at the intersection of civil and labor rights. Today's Pride Month profile is Robyn Schultz.
Robyn Schultz has a dynamic personality and is always organizing to make the union, workplace and community better. She is the newly elected president of the Milwaukee chapter of Pride At Work. Schultz has been a member of the Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) for decades and has worked as a stagehand, staff electrician and lighting director. About the union, Schultz said: "My affiliation with IATSE goes back decades and continues to serve as a solid platform for ongoing professional development. In addition to the predictable array of work I get to do with them, I have the honor of being elected to the vice presidency of Local 18, and the distinction of being appointed as the examiner for the Electrics Department. I continue to support the work, the cause and the belief that together we can do more."