Every week, we bring you a roundup of the top news and commentary about issues and events important to working families. Here’s the latest edition of the Working People Weekly List.
Shuler: Modern Labor Movement Means Nobody Gets Left Behind: "The meaning of a holiday sometimes gets lost in its celebration. To a lot of people, Labor Day is just summer's last hurrah–a last fling at fun in the sun (tempered again this year by COVID-19) before the kids head back to school. Most importantly, Labor Day honors our labor movement–the country's 'single most powerful force for progress,' according to AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler. 'And I’m not talking about institutions. I’m talking about workers coming together to make change in our workplaces and our society,' she added in her remarks at this year's Christian Science Monitor Labor Day breakfast. 'That’s what we do.'"
Approval of Labor Unions at Highest Point Since 1965: "Sixty-eight percent of Americans approve of labor unions. Though statistically similar to last year's 65%, the current reading is the highest Gallup has measured since 71% in 1965. Americans' approval of labor unions has been trending upward in recent years and is now at its highest point in more than half a century. Approval among Democrats, which is nearly unanimous, has risen over the past year as President Joe Biden has said he expects his administration to be one of the most pro-union in history."
'Lean In' Circles Help Women in Construction Navigate Bias: "'We see this all the time. When jobs are higher paid, when jobs have more security, when jobs have higher benefits, they often go to men,' said Sandberg, who partnered with NABTU to bring her signature 'Lean in Circles' program to tradeswomen after meeting Liz Shuler, now the president of the AFL-CIO, and Judaline Cassidy, a New York plumber and union leader who had formed a Lean In Circle on her own in 2017."
AFL-CIO President Shuler on Jobs and the Economy: "New AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler discussed the economy and jobs with the Christian Science Monitor. She also reflected on becoming the first woman to lead the union. The organization’s previous president, Richard Trumka, passed away in August 2021. Other topics discussed included workers' rights legislation and the upcoming midterm elections."
AFL-CIO Chief: In Pandemic, Unions Are a Source of ‘Trusted Information’: "Liz Shuler, new president of America's largest labor federation, says the U.S. economic system is 'broken' and that workers need a stronger voice. Liz Shuler hasn’t missed a beat. Following the sudden death of AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka earlier this month, Shuler stepped right into his shoes as the nation’s top labor leader, after 12 years as his deputy. Now, on the eve of Labor Day, President Shuler is carrying on with the 12.5-million-member federation’s goals: passing pro-union legislation, turning around organized labor’s long-declining membership, and improving working conditions–including the safe return to work amid a pandemic."
New AFL-CIO President: 'Everyone Should be Vaccinated': "Liz Shuler, the new president of the largest federation of unions in America, said Tuesday that everyone should be vaccinated against COVID-19 and urged AFL-CIO member unions to be a source of 'reliable, good information' on vaccines for their members."
Nevada AFL-CIO Elects First Woman, Latina Executive Secretary-Treasurer: "Assemblywoman Susie Martinez, D-Las Vegas, will effectively be the head of organized labor in Nevada after a history-making vote last week. Martinez is the first woman and the first Latina to take on the role of executive secretary-treasurer of the Nevada AFL-CIO. 'It’s very special to me because it just shows women, and especially women of color, that we should have a seat at the table,' she said during a phone interview Monday afternoon."
Student Workers at Hamilton College to Vote on Unionization, Possibly a National First: "The campus tour guides and senior admissions fellows (who interview prospective students and provide comment for their files), all undergraduates, have filed a petition for a union election with the National Labor Relations Board, said Eric Kopp, a member of the students’ organizing committee, a senior admissions fellow and an intern at the Central New York Labor Council."
Arizona Civil Rights Leaders Join Nationwide Marches for Voting Rights Legislation: "Liz Shuler also went to the event. She's the first female president of The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations. 'The labor movement sees workplace rights and voting rights as one,' she said. 'We are basically here to stand in solidarity with the community, with working people, joining together to make sure our voices are heard at the ballot box and make sure voting is accessible and available for everyone.'"