Working people across the United States have stepped up to help out our friends, neighbors and communities during these trying times. In our regular Service & Solidarity Spotlight series, we'll showcase one of these stories every day. Here’s today’s story.
Corporate special interests are spending big to block the confirmation of Julie Su for secretary of labor. Will you take two minutes to call your senators?
The law firm Littler, which describes itself as “excel[ling] in union avoidance and elections,” signed an open letter against Su, along with countless other special interests.
This is the same firm that represented Starbucks and McDonald’s in their anti-union efforts as they tried to retaliate against Fight for $15 organizers.
Luckily, union members are coming together to do what we do best. More than 20,000 of you have signed our petition calling for Julie Su’s confirmation as labor secretary.
We need you to keep up the pressure. Will you take two minutes to call your senators?
Su is an incredibly qualified candidate—and just the person workers need as our country experiences this incredible groundswell of labor organizing.
Call and ask your senators to vote to confirm Julie Su when her nomination comes up for a vote in a few weeks. Thank you for doing your part.