Press Release

Why Four Organizing Wins Are a Snapshot of the Future of Working People

Statement by AFL-CIO Strategic Advisor and Communications Director, Eric Hauser, on recent organizing wins by working people across the country:
“As we all deal with the on-demand economy, it is critical to note the power of the collective voice. The future is seen in the actions of workers over the past weeks to stand up, hand in a ballot, and declare with one voice they want a union. These workers represent a snapshot of America, and represent the best chance for every working family to have access to a better life.”

Over the last weeks, working people have cast their ballot to join a union. Significant examples include:

Trump Las Vegas Workers Voting ‘Yes’ to Join Union – Over 500 employees will become part of Culinary Workers Union Local 226 in Las Vegas.

Temple University Adjuncts Vote to Join Unions – More than 1,400 adjuncts will join the 1,400 full-time facility members and librarians already members of unions at Temple University in Philadelphia.

Tennessee-based Volkswagen Workers Vote to Join Union – Approximately 150 skilled trades employees at VW’s Chattanooga, TN plant voted overwhelmingly to join a union earlier this month.

Envoy Air Employees Vote to Gain Union Representation – Nearly 5,000 Envoy Air agents joined to vote to become part of a union in an election conducted by the National Mediation Board.

Contact: Anthony DeAngelo (202) 637-5018