Legislative Alert

Senate Letter Supporting the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024

Dear Senator:

Aviation is a cornerstone of the American economy, with our affiliate members playing crucial roles in production, operation, and maintenance. On behalf of the AFL-CIO representing 12.5 million workers and 60 affiliate unions, I urge you to pass the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Reauthorization Act of 2024 by adopting the bipartisan agreement reached by House and Senate committee leaders at the end of April, and to ensure this bipartisan, bicameral deal stays intact by passing it without amendment.

Upholding the highest safety standards is crucial for maintaining U.S. global aviation leadership. While rejecting detrimental policy changes, this bipartisan agreement strengthens safety standards, supports workforce growth, and enhances aviation infrastructure, including:

●Addressing the air traffic controller staffing crisis to improve safety and efficiency.
●Establishing a process to mandate the installation of secondary barriers on existing aircraft to enhance security, following the Department of Transportation’s mandate.
●Standardizing reporting systems for smoke and fume events on aircrafts, alongside rulemaking for onboard detectors and monitoring equipment.
●Strengthening protections for flight crew involved in accident and incident investigations.
●Modernizing mental health and medication protocols for pilots.
●Protections for flight crew regarding FAA certificate actions and employer discipline related to cockpit voice recorders.
●Updating disclosure protections for voluntary safety reporting programs.
●Improving runway and airport alerting systems.
●Issuing guidance on crewmember pumping during noncritical flight phases.
●Establishing advisory committees to advise on matters related to women in the aviation industry.
●Creating a national strategic plan to enhance recruitment, hiring, and retention in the civil aviation workforce.

Ensuring air travel remains the safest mode of transportation requires prioritizing the well-being of aviation workers. We urge swift passage of the current, bipartisan version of the FAA Reauthorization bill – to provide the necessary resources and authority to uphold America's aviation system as a global standard for safety, security, and connectivity.

Jody Calemine
Director, Government Affairs