
Service & Solidarity Spotlight: Workers at National Sawdust Successfully Vote to Join Union

National Sawdust

Working people across the United States have stepped up to help out our friends, neighbors and communities during these trying times. In our Service & Solidarity Spotlight series, we’ll showcase one of these stories every day. Here’s today’s story.

Ushers at Brooklyn’s nonprofit music venue National Sawdust in New York voted overwhelmingly last week to join Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) Local 306.

Founded in 2015, National Sawdust is a Williamsburg-based cultural institution that commissions, produces and presents programming from multidisciplinary artists. With this successful vote, ushers will join the ranks of their front-of-house peers at iconic venues like New York City Radio City Music Hall, Richard Rodgers Theatre, Madison Square Garden and more. Staff started organizing in October of 2023 when they first reached out to IATSE with goals of securing a contract with quality health care benefits, robust safety provisions, mental health resources and avenues for professional growth.

“I love working at National Sawdust; With the knowledge and support of a Union, I feel optimistic that we can work towards implementing positive changes that will enhance our roles and in turn quality of life,” said usher Marika Wolf. “Not only for the benefit of the longstanding Front-of-house workers who have contributed to National Sawdust’s success as it has grown but also for any future members who will join the team.”