Legislative Alert

Letter Supporting Nomination of Ann Wagner as a Member of the FLRA

Dear Senator:

On behalf of the AFL-CIO, I strongly urge you to vote to confirm the nomination of Ann Wagner as a Member of the Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA). A vote confirming Wagner to a five-year term on the FLRA will result in a fully functioning board that applies federal labor law with fairness to agencies and labor.

The FLRA investigates and adjudicates disputes between agencies and labor and decides representation and issue negotiability. For some time the FLRA has lacked a third member to break ties and issue decisions in a timely manner. A functioning FLRA is essential to maintain the collective bargaining rights of federal employees and resolve disagreements between agencies and federal employees.

Wagner is highly qualified to be a member of the FLRA. She brings decades of experience with the Office of Special Counsel, the Merit Systems Protection Board and the U.S. Government Accountability Office Personnel Appeals Board to the FLRA. Wagner’s experience with federal employee relations and appeals led the Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee to report her nomination with a strong bipartisan vote.

With three confirmed members the FLRA, agencies and labor stand to have disagreements adjudicated in a timely and fair manner. I urge you to vote to confirm the nomination of Ann Wagner to the FLRA.

Jody Calemine
Director, Government Affairs