Press Release

AFL-CIO on Kamala Harris Accepting Nomination for President: Bold Agenda ‘Ushers in a New Era of Opportunity for All Working People’

Tonight, following Vice President Kamala Harris’s acceptance of the Democratic Party nomination for President of the United States, AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler released the following statement:

One word defined the 2024 Democratic National Convention (DNC): union. From the union labor that made this event possible to the 20 percent of delegates who were union members to the labor champions on the stage throughout, it’s clear that working people are the backbone of the Harris-Walz team. Tonight, Kamala Harris capped this year’s union-strong DNC with an electrifying address to accept the Democratic Party nomination, showing that protecting the fundamental freedoms of working people will be the top priority of her historic presidency. Vice President Harris set a bold agenda that centers the hopes and aspirations of everyday Americans, builds on our progress and ushers in a new era of opportunity for all working people. 

This election, working people face a choice between a candidate who walked picket lines shoulder-to-shoulder with striking workers and a candidate who crossed them. It’s a choice between a working people’s agenda for a better future and a billionaire’s Project 2025 agenda that would tip the scales for corporate CEOs. It’s a choice between a partner in the most pro-union administration in our lifetimes and a shameless union buster.

Union members never back down from a tough fight—and with our contracts, health care, retirement and unions on the line, we’re fighting harder than ever to elect Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. Tomorrow, the work continues to mobilize at job sites and in communities across the country to elect Vice President Harris and our union brother Governor Walz. Make no mistake: this election runs directly through America’s union halls. We know that the economy Harris and Walz will build is union-made. With labor accounting for 20 percent of voters in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, the blue wall—and their election victory—will be too.

Contact: Steve Smith, 202-637-5018