Working people across the United States regularly step up to help out our friends, neighbors and communities during these trying times. In our Service & Solidarity Spotlight series, we’ll showcase one of these stories every day. Here’s today’s story.
Some 160 workers at Eos Energy Enterprises in Pittsburgh voted to join the United Steelworkers (USW) last week to ensure they have a voice in shaping the future of their role in the rapidly expanding clean energy sector.
Workers at the zinc battery company manufacture batteries used to store electricity generated from renewable sources like solar and wind energy. The vote comes right as Eos is eligible for billions of dollars in clean energy federal investments from legislation like the Inflation Reduction Act. UAW members fought back against attempts to undermine their right to a free and fair union election, demanding that corporations receiving taxpayer money should respect the rights of their workforce. Their victory represents a powerful milestone in ensuring this emergent sector has high standards for labor rights.
“We’re proud to be contributing to our nation’s energy future, but for that future to succeed, we need to earn fair wages and be treated with respect on the job,” said Dante Williams, an assembly operator at Eos. “Unionizing puts our future into our own hands, and now we’re looking forward to sitting down and bargaining a fair contract.”