Press Release

AFL-CIO President: Massachusetts Ballot Question 3 is a Powerful Opportunity to Begin Leveling the Playing Field

AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler released the following statement in response to passage of Ballot Question 3 in Massachusetts on unionization for rideshare drivers:

The AFL-CIO congratulates rideshare drivers in Massachusetts for winning the right to join a union at the polls on Tuesday. For far too long, big tech companies like Uber and Lyft have made billions of dollars in profit by exploiting their workers and riders, and this victory provides a powerful opportunity to begin leveling the playing field. 

The labor movement strongly believes that all workers who want a union should have the right to join one. How best to organize that worker power in the face of a rapidly changing economy—with corporations finding new ways to exploit weak federal labor laws—is one of the biggest and most complex challenges facing our movement today. Labor is united in the belief that all workers, including gig workers, deserve fair pay, security, dignity on the job and the right to form a union.   

The AFL-CIO works tirelessly to improve the lives of working people. We are the largest federation of national and international labor unions that represent nearly 13 million working people.

Contact: Steve Smith, 202-637-5018