Press Release

AFL-CIO Supports Greek Voters’ Call to End Austerity

Statement by AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka in the wake of Greek voters opposing the bailout referendum:

The Greek people have spoken loudly: “End the austerity now.” We need President Obama and the Administration to send a clear message to the International Monetary Fund that sincere bargaining must start to settle the economic uncertainty in Greece and Europe. 

So far, the austerity plans of the last seven years have resulted in great pain for the Greek people with no gain on the economic problems of creating jobs or shrinking the Greek government’s debt. Doubling down on austerity is not going to change the record of the last seven years. Furthermore, the requests from the IMF, European Central Bank and the European Commission to weaken Greek labor standard safeguards will weaken democracy in the land that gave birth to western democracy. The world was patient with the banks, and now it is time for the banks to be patient with the people.

Contact: Josh Goldstein (202) 637-5018