
Black History Month Profiles: Kirby Boyce

Kirby Boyce

For Black History Month, we're taking a look at a group of leaders who are currently actively making Black history across the labor movement. Check back daily for a new profile and meet some of the people working to improve not only their community, but also to improve conditions for working people across the country. Today's profile is Kirby Boyce of the Machinists (IAM).

Kirby Boyce began his journey as a machinist in 1999 at Pratt & Whitney’s engine facility in Cheshire. In 2004, he was elected as an IAM union steward and later served as recording secretary. The Cheshire facility closed in 2011, and Boyce moved to the East Hartford branch of Pratt & Whitney, where he joined IAM Lodge 1746. His commitment to safety led to his role as health and safety representative. In 2017, Kirby was elected president of Lodge 1746 and became vice president of the Greater Hartford Central Labor Coalition. He also served as treasurer of the Connecticut State Council of Machinists for five years. Currently, Boyce is the president of the Eastern Connecticut Area Labor Federation.