Press Release

AFL-CIO Announces New Addition to Executive Staff Team

Today, AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler announced that veteran labor strategist Marc Goumbri will join the federation as deputy chief of staff and senior adviser to the president. Starting June 19, he will be responsible for strengthening management systems across the federation and will play an instrumental role in executing organization-wide strategies and programs. Goumbri brings nearly two decades of experience and a deep understanding of the labor movement to his new role. He most recently served as senior advisor to the international president of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and was previously campaign coordinator and assistant communications director for organizing and campaigns at the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW). 

His hiring completes the AFL-CIO’s executive team as he joins Julie Greene Collier, who was recently elevated to chief of staff; Katie Corrigan, strategic adviser to the president; Isaac Gobern, assistant to the president; and Chris Neff, senior adviser to the president. 

“I’m thrilled that Marc will be joining our team at a time of unprecedented energy and momentum within our movement,” said Shuler. “His expertise and commitment will be instrumental as we work to execute a bold agenda to empower working people, and guarantee dignity and respect in every workplace.”

Contact: Danielle Noel, 202-637-5018