Press Release

AFL-CIO Celebrates Women’s Soccer Players Association’s Historic Collective Bargaining Agreement

In first for American professional sports, this deal eliminates the draft and establishes universal free agency 

Today, the National Women’s Soccer League Players Association (NWSLPA) announced their historic new collective bargaining agreement, which ensures free agency for all players, revenue sharing on top of salaries, important health and safety protections, and other provisions that will help create a more equitable League. For the first time ever in American professional sports, this contract also eliminates the draft, empowering athlete workers to have a real say over their futures. 

“Just weeks after some members of the NWSLPA became Olympic champions with Team USA, these athletes have made history yet again,” said AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler. “This game-changing collective bargaining agreement sets the gold standard for all professional sports and affirms what workers in unions can accomplish when we stand together. The revolutionary victories they secured—from eliminating the draft to requiring player consent for trades to safeguarding player health—advance the critical work of professional sports associations to let players decide what’s best for their families. Collective bargaining is a powerful tool in achieving women’s equality in any workplace, and these results are a testament to the visionary leadership of President Tori Huster, Executive Director Meghann Burke, Vice President Simone Charley, the bargaining committee and all members of the Players Association who are dedicated to creating a better, fairer League. The AFL-CIO is beyond proud to count the NWSLPA among its Sports Council and affiliate unions, and we look forward to continuing to support the NWSL players to ensure fair implementation of this contract. It’s a damn good day for union women in America!”

“The new Collective Bargaining Agreement is a reflection of the collective power of the Players,” said NWSLPA President Tori Huster. “Together, we secured freedoms that empower the Players to have autonomy over their careers and in doing so, reshaped American sports.”

“This is a win for all Players everywhere,” said NWSLPA Executive Director Meghann Burke. “The achievements of this new Collective Bargaining Agreement make it clear that we are now in an era in which Players have a seat at the table to decide what is best for their future. That is their human right.” 


Highlights of the NWSLPA’s historic collective bargaining agreement (CBA) include:

Elimination of the Draft: The entry draft will be eliminated immediately. The expansion draft is abolished immediately. The draft is an antiquated model that treats people as property to be bought and sold. The new terms will empower Players to decide which team environment is the best fit for their needs and their development.

Free Agency for All: All NWSL Players will become Free Agents when their current contracts expire. By establishing free agency for all players, the NWSL aligns itself with the rest of the world. Free agency results in fairness of contracts, with Teams and Players mutually agreeing to enter into a contractual relationship on even terms.

Guaranteed Contracts: Every contract will be guaranteed. Guaranteed contracts generally prevent the league from terminating Player contracts prior to the end of their term, except in limited circumstances. This respects the mutuality and risk of contracts. It also protects Players in the event of circumstances beyond their control, such as a latent health condition.

No Trades Without Player Consent: Players cannot be traded without their consent. This protects players from being traded against their will and without knowing in advance.

Workload Management: As the league grows, the demands on players will increase. The new CBA addresses game frequency, travel conditions and time off. Minimum standards for charter flights are established in this new CBA, including entitling teams to six legs (three round trips) as a matter of right and a requirement that Teams charter for certain midweek games. Players are assured of the midseason break and a minimum of 28 days off during the offseason.

Revenue Sharing: For the first time, a collectively bargained salary cap will be tied to revenue sharing and a guaranteed minimum base salary cap. Shareable revenues from NWSL’s prior year sponsorship and media rights agreements will be added to the Team Salary Cap. Teams will be held to a “Minimum Spend” to ensure that Shareable Revenues are spent on player compensation. The NWSLPA also secured audit rights to ensure compliance with this provision.

The AFL-CIO Sports Council was formed in 2022 to help professional athletes join together to form unions and strengthen their lives, livelihoods and working conditions. In addition to the NWSLPA, members include the Major League Baseball Players Association (MLBPA), Major League Soccer Players Association (MLSPA), National Football League Players Association (NFLPA), United Soccer League Players Association (USLPA-CWA) and Women’s National Basketball Players Association (WNBPA).

Contact: Riley Lopez, 202-637-5018