Statement from AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler on President Biden’s call to action for strengthening democracy to heighten “the soul of the nation”:
Tonight, President Biden issued a wake-up call to America. The ongoing extremist threats to erode democracy and voting rights are a grave danger to all the gains working people have fought for and won over generations. They jeopardize our ability to stand together to fight for an equitable future for our families.
Every demand workers make, from better wages and workplace protections to a voice on the job and racial justice, is built on a bedrock of democracy. Democracy and the labor movement are one in the same. When either is weakened, so is our nation’s ability to enact progress.
That is why in the weeks leading up to the midterm elections, the AFL-CIO is mobilizing to elect pro-worker candidates and protect our sacred freedom to vote. We will not stand for any form of voter suppression, including the false dismissal of election results. We will not let cheaters win. Because, as President Biden said tonight, this is not who we are.
Our opponents may be fueled by extremism, but we are fueled with the hope and determination that working people will win a better future.
Contact: Kalina Newman, 202-637-5018