Press Release

AFL-CIO Highlights from World Congress of the ITUC in Berlin

(BERLIN, GERMANY) – Today is day three of the World Congress of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) being held in Berlin, Germany. Highlights from the first three days include:

  • AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka gives remarks to the full Congress stressing the need to organize workers globally.

“… as a global labor movement, we have our own work to do. My friends, it’s time for all of us to renew our investments in the future of working people, by putting resources into organizing new members….So let’s reach out to those brothers and sisters who need unionism the most. Let’s reach out to unorganized port workers in Colombia, to sub-contracted workers in Indonesia, to bank workers in the U.S., to healthcare workers in South Africa.”

Trumka also called on the ITUC General Council to include the United States in their ‘country watch’ list, which track the countries that are most hostile to worker rights. Full remarks here:

  • The Communications Workers of America (CWA) led an action in solidarity with workers at T-Mobile and Deutsche Telekom.

Yesterday’s rally at Deutsche Telekom’s headquarters in Berlin was to protest anti-union practices at T-Mobile, a subsidiary, in the United States. The rally coincided with the launch of a video entitled ‘In the basement’, which details efforts by T-Mobile to de-unionize workplaces in conjunction with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. The video can be found by clicking here.

Photos and updates from the event can be found on Twitter by following the hashtag #ituc14.

For more information on the World Congress of the International Trade Union visit:

  • President Richard Trumka - @richardtrumka
  • Executive Vice President Tefere Gebre - @tefere_gebre
  • Secretary-Treasurer Elizabeth Shuler - @lizshuler
  • ITUC - @ituc
  • Cathy Feingold - @globalaflcio
  • Follow the Congress live using the hashtags #ituc14, #rights14, #growth14, and #susjobs14
  • ITUC –

Contact:Contact:  Anthony DeAngelo, (202) 637-5018,[email protected]
                           Gonzalo Salvador, (202) 297-5018, [email protected]