Press Release

AFL-CIO Launches TV Ad Criticizing Ami Bera for Supporting Fast Track

Ad builds on widespread grassroots opposition in Bera’s district to Trade Promotion Authority


(Washington D.C. – May 29, 2015) Today, the AFL-CIO launched a TV ad in the Sacramento media market calling on Congressman Ami Bera to oppose Trade Promotion Authority, also known as fast track, which would pave the way for another corporate-driven trade deal that leads to lower wages and fewer jobs.

Entitled, “No on Fast Track,” the spot charges Congressman Bera with being willing “to do anything to keep his job, including shipping your job overseas” through his support of fast track. The ad urges voters to “call Congressman Ami Bera to tell him to vote no on fast track.”

“This ad is a message to Ami Bera and every other politician that the trade debate is enormously important to working families. Working people have seen how bad trade deals have devastated our communities. We expect our representatives in Congress to vote against rubber stamping a corporate-driven trade policy that delivers extra profits for global corporations at the expense of good-paying jobs for working people,” said AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka.

The ad follows a series of grassroots events in Bera’s district that have been organized by a coalition of labor, environmental, consumer advocate and progressive organizations. This week, constituents held a rally outside of Bera’s office with giant Q-tips, asking him to “clean out his ears and listen to the voters in his district.”

“For over 20 years, we’ve seen fast-tracked trade deals displace jobs from our communities and create real hardships for working families,” said Robert Longer, Legislative-Political Director for CWA Local 9421. “We want Congressman Bera to fully understand the human consequences of this enormous trade policy and truly act in the best interest of the people he was elected to represent.”

Polling conducted by Lake Research Partners for the Coalition to Stop Fast Track found that voters in CA-7 oppose fast track authority by a 19% margin and they believe free trade agreements lead to job loss rather than job creation. Bera had indicated to supporters last year that he was against fast track legislation prior to changing his stance this year.

Here is a copy of the ad’s script:

California Labor Federation
“Middle Class Jobs” v2

Video Audio

Photo of Ami Bera in color

Photo fades to black and grey

Millions of Lost Jobs

(Citation: “Fast Track to Lost Jobs and Lower Wages,” Robert E. Scott, Economic Policy Institute, 4/12/2015)

Camera scrolls up and down list of jobs lost to off-shoring, stopping on job types that match the vo.




Call Congressman Ami Bera and tell him “No” to Fast Track. (202) 225-5716

DISCLAIMER: Paid for by California Labor Federation…..

VO: Ami Bera will do anything to keep his job.

Including shipping your job overseas.

He’s said he’ll vote in favor of the “so-called” fast track trade authority …

The same kind of trade deal that has

already meant millions of lost jobs

Good middle class jobs in accounting….

Health care technology….


And computer programming

We need our congressman to fight for your job – not his.

VO: Call Congressman Ami Bera and tell him to vote “No” to Fast Track.

(FORMER KICKER: What kind of job will we lose thanks to Ami Bera? Your job.)

Contact: Sean Savett (202) 637-5018