Press Release

AFL-CIO Mourns Passing of Labor Champion Walter Mondale

Statement from AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka on the death of Walter Mondale:

Walter “Fritz” Mondale lived a life of service to our country with a steadfast commitment to the working people who power it. His relentless advocacy in the Senate helped deliver the Great Society and earned him a near-perfect lifetime score from the AFL-CIO. By making the office of the vice presidency more active and visible, America’s labor movement knew we had a proven champion in the room when decisions were made. The vice president was motivated by a simple yet powerful belief: to do what he knew to be right and just. As we inch closer to finally fixing America’s broken labor laws through the passage of the PRO Act, our progress would not be possible without titans like Walter Mondale who understood the need to return power to working people.    

Contact: Carolyn Bobb (202) 637-5018