Press Release | Gender Equality · Health Care

AFL-CIO President Supports Senate Leadership’s Action on Contraception

AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler released the following statement in response to Democratic leaders in the Senate bringing the Right to Contraception Act to the floor, as House Democrats meanwhile fight to push the bill via discharge petition past opposition from the Republican leadership:

Over the past century, as women joined and formed unions and made their voices heard, their unions fought for and won access to contraceptive coverage at the bargaining table. Access to reproductive health care, including birth control, is a fundamental human right and essential to workers’ economic security. We thank Senate leadership for pushing legislation that would establish federal protections for contraception. Backward-looking extremists blocked the Right to Contraception Act’s advancement today, but we stand with the members who continue to fight for access to birth control, a key tool in family planning that has been constitutionally protected since the 1960s. 

This bill would protect what women have won, as access to birth control has given women the power to participate in the workforce, make decisions about their jobs and futures, and earn higher wages over the course of their careers. All women should have equitable access to contraception and reproductive care, regardless of where they work or live. The AFL-CIO thanks Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer; House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries; Sens. Ed Markey, Mazie Hirono and Tammy Duckworth; Rep. Kathy Manning; and all those who have lined up behind this important legislation.

Contact: Riley Lopez, [email protected] or 202-637-5018


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