Press Release

AFL-CIO Secretary Treasurer Announces New Executive Assistant Christyne Neff to Join Labor Federation From United Food And Commercial Workers

AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer Liz Shuler announced today that she has hired Christyne Neff as her new Executive Assistant.  Neff replaces Kirk Brungard, who has accepted a position with the Foundation for Fair Contracting (FFC) CHOICE.

Neff comes to the Secretary-Treasurer’s office having served as UFCW International President Joe Hansen’s Executive Assistant for 10 years.  She continued that role under President Marc Perrone for two years. 

In her role as Shuler’s Executive Assistant, Neff will provide oversight and expertise on the federation’s finances, manage a team of administrative departments, and work on issues ranging from the working women’s agenda to the young worker initiative.

“Chris brings to the AFL-CIO an enormous amount of labor and management experience, great enthusiasm for core worker issues, and a keen sensitivity to our challenges,” Shuler said.  “While we will greatly miss Kirk, we are thrilled to have someone of Chris’ talents.”

Contact: Amaya Smith (202) 637-5018