Press Release

AFL-CIO Stands in Solidarity with Flight Attendants with AFA-CWA United Airlines in the Fight for a Fair Contract

AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler released the following statement in support of Association of Flight Attendants-CWA (AFA-CWA) members picketing at United Airlines this week:

Flight attendants play an essential role in keeping all of us safe when we fly, and they deserve a fair contract from United Airlines that reflects the value of the important work they do every day.

United made $3.1 billion in net income in 2024, thanks in part to the hard work of AFA-CWA flight attendants. As they take action at airports across the nation this week, the labor movement stands in solidarity with flight attendants and urges United Airlines to agree to a fair contract.

Contact: Prerna Jagadeesh, 202-637-5018