Press Release


WASHINGTON– In response to today’s U.S. Supreme Court ruling in King v. Burwell, Working America Executive Director Karen Nussbaum issued the following statement:

“With today’s decision, the Supreme Court protected the economic and health security of millions of working people.

“Access to quality, affordable health care for everyone really matters to our members. That’s why they consistently rank it among their top concerns. Working America members knocked on doors and made thousands of phone calls to help pass the Affordable Care Act, and they’re breathing a sigh of relief following today’s decision.

“Working America members understand the value of the Affordable Care Act. Should it come under attack again, they are ready to spring into action to make sure health care access isn’t just a benefit for the few. Our members will continue to advocate for access to quality health care for all, including the millions that remain uninsured in states where elected leaders foolishly refuse to expand Medicaid, leaving money on the table that could be used to help provide health care coverage to their constituents.”


Working America is the fastest-growing organization for working people who don’t have the benefit of a union on the job. Started in 2003, Working America mobilizes its 3 million working-class members throughout the year to fight for good jobs and a just economy. Our members are working-class people from all across the country. They live in suburbs and exurbs. They are gun owners and churchgoers. They are single moms and retirees. They are struggling to make it in this economy.

Our organizers reach out to thousands of people every night at their homes to discuss economic issues they care about, and share ways to take action. Two out of three people we talk to at the doors join Working America. Our members consistently rank health care as one of their top concerns, and have a vested interest in keeping health care costs low and protecting the coverage workers have fought for on the job.

With a winning track record advocating for good jobs, better wages, and access to affordable, quality health care, in 2013 Working America worked with Union Plus to launch Working America Health Care (WAHC), a joint collaboration that connects Working America members with quality health insurance coverage. WAHC is recognized as a national Champion for Coverage organization by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.


CONTACT: Michael J. Brewer
[email protected]