Press Release

Ohio Workers Urge Rep. Rick Perales to Support Permanent Medicaid Expansion

(Beaver Creek, OH)-At 9:40 am, Monday, November 25th, Working America members and activists will gather at a press conference to urge Ohio State Rep. Rick Perales (R-Beaver Creek) to support a permanent expansion of Medicaid in Ohio. While the Ohio controlling board extended Medicaid through July 2015, legislative action will be needed to make the expansion permanent.

The Medicaid expansion is critical to Ohio’s economic health. It is projected to create approximately 25,000 jobs in Ohio, and would cover approximately 300,000 Ohioans by 2016 if it is extended. Because of the federal money that the expansion draws into the state, it will also save Ohio taxpayers over $1.8 billion.

 “Expanding Medicaid is the only policy that makes sense,” said Emma Godsey, a community organizer with Working America. “It will help cover uninsured Ohioans, create jobs and save the state money. Failing to make the expansion permanent is a grave mistake, and it would hurt all of us.”

“My family will be directly affected by Medicaid expansion, and we need to know that we can count on it,” said Shonda Sneed, a Working America member. “Medicaid expansion will help keep my family balanced, and will help us balance the state budget, too.”

WHAT: Press conference urging extension of Medicaid expansion

WHO: Working America organizers, members and allies

WHERE: Beaver Creek City Hall Council Chambers, 1368 Research Drive, Beaver Creek, OH

WHEN: 9:40 am November 25th

Contact: Emma Godsey: 614-223-2196