Press Release

Statement by AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka on Rep. Van Hollen’s Action Plan to Address Income Inequality

Congressman Chris Van Hollen is showing the kind of leadership that has become far too rare in Washington, DC today. Many of the policy prescriptions he outlined today are part of the blueprint to seriously addressing income inequality. Together, they represent a major moment in progressive leadership that brings bold ideas to the forefront.

A modest Wall Street speculation tax, or “high-roller fee” as Rep. Van Hollen has proposed, will help curb harmful Wall Street practices and raise billions of dollars annually. These are critical funds that could pay for infrastructure and education to lay the foundation for long-term productivity growth. Additionally, Rep. Van Hollen is absolutely right to deny tax breaks for ridiculous, out of control CEO pay – they don’t need any more handouts.

Working people want not only to hear what leaders think about raising wages and income inequality, but what they’ll do about it. Rep. Van Hollen is doing exactly that.

Contact: Josh Goldstein (202) 637-5219