Press Release | Future of Work

Working People Must Be Protected in ‘Gig Economy’

AFL-CIO Releases Statement of Principles on the On-Demand Economy

(Washington, DC) Today the AFL-CIO released its “Statement of Principles On the On-Demand Economy” laying out ways to protect working people in an ever-changing work environment.

“The AFL-CIO is committed to making sure that the on-demand economy leads to better lives for working people," said AFL-CIO Director of Policy Damon Silvers. “New technologies must not be an excuse for old style injustice. Workers in the on-demand economy, no matter what their titles, must have decent wages and benefits, safety and most of all, a collective voice on the job."

The AFL-CIO is committed to working with business, government and communities to find solutions that work for employers and working people in the on-demand economy. Today, General Counsel Craig Becker is participating in a forum with The Hamilton Project. Secretary-Treasurer Liz Shuler will speak on a panel at the U.S. Department of Labor’s “Future of Work” symposiumon Thursday.

Contact: Carolyn Bobb (202) 637-5018