
2024 California Labor Federation Convention

San Diego, CA

Hello brothers, sisters, siblings! California Labor!

I’m so happy to be here with you in San Diego…I just left Milwaukee, speaking out about the lies of the Trump record on workers.

And it’s very clear as this RNC goes on…two things can be true at the same time: We can condemn the events of last Saturday, the violence, and make it clear it has no place in our politics;

While at the same time…still speaking out and being clear about the facts. And the facts are: A second term with Donald Trump would be a *disaster* for working people.

It’s easy to get distracted by the hostility, anger, hate and division.

But we aren’t going to let that derail our focus.

We can remind people of what it means to be hopeful.

What it means to stand together with people of all ages, religions, orientations, beliefs—united by one really simple idea: Wanting a better life for ourselves and our families.

Our labor movement can remind people we are powerful when we stick together.

That’s what I see in the Cal Fed. That’s what I see in our unions all up and down this state.

When our SEIU 99 family—20,000 strong—stood side-by-side and won life-changing raises. For our teachers, our school nurses, our speech pathologists, and so many more.

The power I saw when our UAW family, at Local 4811 stood strong and won a life-changing contract for 50,000 workers.

And the power of sticking together on full display when our IATSE family fought hard at the bargaining table—and are casting their ballots right now to ratify their contract. 50,000 strong, defining the future of work on their terms.

That wouldn’t happen without the incredible solidarity of this movement. And this amazing leadership team you have elected…thank you thank you:…Lorena Gonzalez…Jeff Freitas…Kathryn Lybarger…and all the members of the Executive Council!

People all over this country are waking up to the power of this movement. They’re seeing that they can be the ones to make change.

They believe in what this movement stands for.

Because we know…an immigrant doesn’t stand between you and a good job, a BILLIONAIRE does.

We know…it’s not good jobs or a clean environment, it’s BOTH.

We know…no politician, no corporation, no one PERIOD should tell a woman what to do with her own body!

And we know: The best path to a middle-class life…toward economic security…to a family and a home and a good retirement…is still a GOOD UNION JOB!!

We’re growing this movement in ways people told us was impossible.

We’re the REASON 71% of Americans support unions right now, and 9 in 10 workers under 30.

We’re organizing in places we never have—down in the South, and in new industries, and with young workers all over the country.

And California is leading—just like it always has. California is the vanguard.

When it comes to housing—the most critical issue facing so many Californians—our AFL-CIO Housing Investment Trust is putting our pension fund dollars to work building affordable housing right here in California with 100% UNION LABOR!

When it comes to these historic federal infrastructure and clean energy investments—right here, you’re proving that our roads, and bridges, and buses, and solar, wind, and hydrogen, and public transit are going to be built with GOOD UNION JOBS.

And when it comes to taking on the powers that think they run our economy—from Elon Musk to the studios—California workers are showing every day how to fight back…. Like our Teamsters family is at this very second at the bargaining table…and we have your back!

As I said earlier…I was in Milwaukee outside the RNC to lift up this disastrous Project 2025 agenda. This agenda that would be an existential threat to working people.

Companies sending our workers out in extreme heat without safety equipment—and facing ZERO consequences for it.

Ending our contracts.

Eliminating public sector unions, PERIOD.

That’s the reality of what we’re up against.

We have done more with this Biden-Harris Administration in three-and-a-half years than we have done with any Administration in modern history. I know reasonable people have different opinions on how to move forward. I respect that.

But we can be fully united in saying: WE HAVE TO WIN AND WE’RE GOING TO WIN.

It’s time to do everything we can to fight back against that Project 2025 agenda.

And talk to our friends, our co-workers, our neighbors. And knock doors with pro-worker candidates UP AND DOWN the ballot.

Are you ready to go?!

Okay…let’s get this incredible Executive Council slate up here to get them sworn-in right now.