Take Action: NFL Players Need Safer Fields

NFL Players Need #SaferFields and Safe Working Conditions

All employees are entitled to the safest working environment possible—including NFL players. NFL Players Association (NFLPA) members should not have to work on fields that cause a higher rate of injuries. If you stand in solidarity with our union brothers, please take 30 seconds to add your name and urge the NFL to replace slit-film surfaces.

Alliance for Retired Americans Hosts 2022 Retirement Security Symposium

More than a dozen speakers from unions, government agencies, young workers and other groups shared strategies to address the continuing retirement security emergency in the United States at the Alliance for Retired Americans' Retirement Security Symposium: An Intergenerational Seminar. Attendees discussed pensions as well as other cornerstones of retirement security, including Social Security and Medicare. Several dozen attendees attended in person at AFL-CIO headquarters in Washington, D.C., and scores more participated virtually.