FY2013 Budget Resolution

Mar. 29, 2012 | H.Con.Res. 112
This Republican budget resolution, crafted by Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.), caps spending and makes major cuts in vital working family programs while cutting tax rates for the richest Americans and Wall Street. Its more egregious provisions include privatizing Medicare, gutting Medicaid and repealing the 2010 health care reform law-the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The Ryan/Republican budget would increase the number of Americans without health insurance by 30 million by repealing the ACA, and its cuts to Medicaid by making it a block grant program would add another 14 to 27 million to the rolls of uninsured rolls. The Ryan/Republican budget also makes it easier to make cuts in Social Security by removing current protections. It undermines U.S. economic growth over the long term by eliminating productive federal investments in infrastructure, education, worker training, manufacturing and clean energy. The resolution was adopted.

This is Bad for working people.

Vote result: Passed

YEAs: 228
NAYs: 191

Legislator Sort descending State District Party Vote
Rep. Joe Wilson
2 Republican Yes
Rep. Frederica Wilson
24 Democrat No
Rep. Robert J. Wittman
1 Republican Yes
Rep. Frank R. Wolf
10 Republican Yes
Rep. Steve Womack
3 Republican Yes
Rep. Rob Woodall
7 Republican Yes
Rep. Lynn Woolsey
6 Democrat No
Rep. John Yarmuth
3 Democrat No
Rep. Kevin Yoder
3 Republican Yes
Sen. Todd Young
Republican Yes
Rep. C. W. Bill Young
13 Republican Yes
Rep. Don Young
At Large Republican Yes