2013 Adopted Resolutions

The following resolutions were passed by the delegates at the 2013 AFL-CIO Convention.

Resolution 1: Enacting Labor Laws That Address the Needs of All Workers in the United States (PDF)
Resolution 2: Assisting All Workers to Organize (PDF)
Resolution 3: Exercising Our Civic Rights to Rebuild Our Democracy, Expand Workers’ Rights and Strengthen Workers’ Organizations (PDF)
Resolution 4: Assisting Immigrant Workers to Become Citizens and Exercise Their Workplace Rights [subsumes Resolutions 23 and 31] (PDF)
Resolution 5: A Broad, Inclusive and Effective Labor Movement (PDF)
Resolution 6: Shared Prosperity (PDF)
Resolution 7: The Conversation About Economics We Need to Have (PDF)
Resolution 8: Global Organizing (PDF)
Resolution 9: Good Jobs, Economic Security and Tax Fairness (PDF)
Resolution 10: Raising Wages Is the Answer [Amended] (PDF)
Resolution 11: Retirement Security for All [subsumes Resolution 45] (PDF)
Resolution 12: America and the World Need a New Approach to Trade and Globalization (PDF)
Resolution 13: Safe Jobs—Every Worker’s Right (PDF)
Resolution 14: One Law for Workers, Another for Bankers—Bankruptcy Abuses and the Unfinished Business of Financial Reform (PDF)
Resolution 15: Protecting and Expanding Medicare Benefits (PDF)
Resolution 16: Building Enduring Labor-Community Partnerships (PDF)
Resolution 17: Prisons and Profits—The Big Business Behind Mass Incarceration (PDF)
Resolution 18: AFL-CIO Women’s Initiative: Shared Values, Shared Leadership, Shared Prosperity (PDF)
Resolution 19: Investing in Our Future: Young Workers and Youth Engagement (PDF)
Resolution 20: Building a Diverse and Inclusive Labor Movement Now and for the Future [subsumes Resolution 22] (PDF)
Resolution 25: International Labor Solidarity Is More Than a Slogan [subsumes Resolution 21] (PDF)
Resolution 26: Resolution to Develop a Southern Organizing Strategy [Amended] (PDF)
Resolution 27: Resolution on Honduras (PDF)
Resolution 28: Solidarity, Effectiveness and Accountability at the Grassroots: State Federations, Central Labor Councils and Affiliates (PDF)
Resolution 29: In Support of the American Labor Museum [Amended] (PDF)
Resolution 33: Gateway Pacific Terminal (PDF)
Resolution 34: AFL-CIO Convention Resolution on Bipartisan Political Action (PDF)
Resolution 35: Reclaiming the Promise of Public Education (PDF)
Resolution 36: Addressing the Increasing Burden of Student Debt and Supporting High-Quality Public Higher Education (PDF)
Resolution 37: Passing the Employment Non-Discrimination Act: Protecting America’s Workers (PDF)
Resolution 38: Resolution That Reynolds American Inc. Establish a Process with FLOC That Guarantees Freedom of Association and Worker Representation for Tobacco Farm Workers in the Tobacco Supply Chain (PDF)
Resolution 39: Reject Any Attempt to Privatize the Tennessee Valley Authority (PDF)
Resolution 40: A Postal Service for the 21st Century: Innovation and Growth, Not Downsizing and Decline (PDF)
Resolution 41: Collective Bargaining (PDF)
Resolution 42: National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund Museum and Memorial (PDF)
Resolution 47: Justice for Santiago Rafael Cruz (PDF)
Resolution 49: Resolution to Include Union Label Identification in Contract Language (PDF)
Resolution 51: Resolution in Support of the Release of Oscar López Rivera (PDF)
Resolution 52: Governor Corbett and Mayor Nutter's Attack on Philadelphia Public Education and Public Services (PDF)
Resolution 53: Assuring Sound Priorities for New Labor Movement Strategies: Aligning Vision with Accountability and Fiscal Responsibility (PDF)
Resolution 54: AFL-CIO Convention Resolution on the Affordable Care Act (PDF)

Adopted Resolutions and Constitutional Amendments (PDF)