FY2018 Budget Act Amending the Tax Code to Reduce Tax Rates

Dec. 20, 2017 | H.R. 1
This bill amends the Internal Revenue Code in a way that makes working people pay the price for massive tax giveaways to millionaires and wealthy corporations. In addition to lowering the top tax rate for wealthy individuals and reducing the corporate rate by nearly 40%, the bill lowers the tax rate on offshore profits to zero, which gives corporations a giant incentive to move American jobs offshore. The bill also eliminates the Affordable Care Act's individual mandate, which will mean the loss of health care for 13 million Americans and a 10% premium increase, on average. The bill passed the House and Senate, was signed by President Trump and became law on December 22, 2017.
Legislative Alert

This is Bad for working people.

Vote result: Passed

YEAs: 224
NAYs: 201

Legislator State District Party Sort descending Vote
Rep. Donald M. Payne Jr.
10 Democrat No
Rep. Robin Kelly
2 Democrat No
Rep. Nydia M. Velázquez
7 Democrat No
Rep. Jerry McNerney
9 Democrat No
Rep. Eliot L. Engel
16 Democrat No
Rep. Daniel Lipinski
3 Democrat No
Rep. Josh Gottheimer
5 Democrat No
Rep. Bill Keating
9 Democrat No
Rep. Ed Perlmutter
7 Democrat No
Rep. Filemon Vela
34 Democrat No
Rep. Ted Lieu
36 Democrat No
Rep. Bill Pascrell Jr.
9 Democrat No
Rep. Nancy Pelosi
11 Democrat No
Rep. Marc Veasey
33 Democrat No
Rep. Keith Ellison
5 Democrat No
Rep. Jared Huffman
2 Democrat No
Rep. Jimmy Panetta
19 Democrat No
Rep. Niki Tsongas
3 Democrat No
Rep. Marcy Kaptur
9 Democrat No
Rep. Juan Vargas
52 Democrat No
2017 House Key Votes
  1. Midnight Rules Relief Act
  2. Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act
  3. Regulatory Accountability Act
  4. FY2017 Budget Resolution
  5. Resolution Overturning the Fair Pay and Safe Workplace Rule
  6. Resolution Overturning the Retirement Plan Safe Harbor Rule
  7. SCRUB Act of 2017
  8. Resolution Overturning the OSHA Injury and Illness Reporting Rule
  9. Regulatory Integrity Act of 2017
  10. Fairness in Class Action Litigation and Furthering Asbestos Claim Transparency Act
  11. VA Accountability First Act
  12. Small Business Health Fairness Act
  13. Register of Copyrights Selection and Accountability Act
  14. Working Families Flexibility Act
  15. American Health Care Act
  16. Department of Veterans Affairs Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act
  17. No Sanctuary for Criminals Act
  18. Kate's Law
  19. Amendment to Expedite Military Base Realignments and Closures
  20. Amendment to Repeal Prevailing Wage Laws
  21. Resolution Overturning Forced Arbitration Ban
  22. Amendment to Repeal Prevailing Wage Laws
  23. Amendment Prohibiting the Outsourcing of Federal Civilian Jobs
  24. Amendment to Repeal Prevailing Wage Laws
  25. Amendment to Cut Funds for the Essential Air Service Program
  26. Amendment to Eliminate Funds for the Gateway Rail Project
  27. Amendment to Defund Amtrak
  28. Amendment to Repeal Prevailing Wage Laws
  29. Amendment to Repeal Prevailing Wage Laws
  30. Amendment to Cut the National Labor Relations Board Budget
  31. Amendment to Cut Funding at the Mine Safety and Health Administration
  32. Amendment to Repeal the NLRB Election Modernization Rule
  33. Amendment to Repeal OSHA's Improved Injury Reporting Rules
  34. FY2018 Budget Resolution
  36. Save Local Business Act
  37. FY2018 Budget Act Amending the Tax Code to Reduce Tax Rates
  38. Corporate Governance Reform and Transparency Act